供方与分供方的全名、法人代表,以及双方的通讯联系的电话、电报、电传等; 采购货品的名称、型号和规格,以及采购的数量; 价格和交货期; 交付方式和交货地点; 质量要求和验收方法,以及不合格品的处理,当另订有质量协议时,则在采购合同中写明见“质量协议”;违约的责任。
Quotation: The Supplier ensures to quote to the Buyer at the most favorable price. If
the quantity of the supplied Products is substantially increased, the Buyer has the right to require the Supplier to adjust the Prices of the Products. In case of purchasing same or similar quantity of like products, if the Supplier’s price, service and/or sale terms have no competitiveness comparing with the price, service and/or sale terms offered by other third party, the Buyer may wholly or partly terminate this Agreement and need not to bear any legal liability, unless the Supplier agrees to offer the Buyer the competitive price, service and/or sales terms.
Competitive pricing: If the Supplier supplies the same Products and Services at lower
prices during the same period and under the similar terms of agreement to any third party which does not order more Products and Services than the Buyer, the Supplier must immediately notify the Buyer in writing, and provide the Products and Services to the Buyer at the lowest price.
北京亿维翻译公司郑重声明采购合同翻译收费标准与其他翻译服务一样,都是按翻译语种报价,绝不胡乱收费具体收费标准请点击“参考报价”或“在线询价”详细了解。采购合同翻译热线:010-5840 5720。