Just now someone talked about the situations of last year and this year. I think the news coming soon will be worse. The next 10 years can be definitely different from the last. First, fundamental changes are taking place in the economic driving forces to the main economies; and many never know what are going to be up to date. Second, the global economies are vying to printing banknotes, resulting in a fiercer inflation; what matters to us is whether we can surpass the inflation. Third, the global energy will see big changes in the coming 10 years to form a bittersweet situation. As one of the biggest changes in US, the consumption there is recovering. The launch of the third round of quantitative easing (QE3) brings a stable expectation to investors. In the past, Americans always looked forward to QE2 when the QE1 was initiated. QE3 will last till the employment is improved. On top of that, the mortgage-backed bonds are purchased in QE3, good for home price and family wealth growth.
复星创建于1992年。作为一家致力于成为全球领先的专注于中国动力的投资集团,复星先后投资复星医药、复地、豫园商城、建龙集团、南钢联、招金矿业、海南矿业、永安保险、分众传媒、Club Med、Folli Follie、复星保德信人寿等。2007年,复星国际(00656.HK)在香港联交所主板上市。复星始终胸怀感恩之心,与员工、社会共享企业发展。2011年,复星投资企业纳税89亿元,提供就业岗位8.9万个,年度员工薪酬超50亿元人民币。20年来,复星已累计向社会捐赠超6亿元。