Humble House Group has launched Humble House Taipei, the group’s first own hotel brand. The new premises will showcase the Humble House aesthetics. The Taiwan based hotel is expected to officially open in this winter and will also provide more competitive price packages and services to both business and independent travelers. Moreover, as part of the long term goal for sustainability and giving back to society, Humble House Group uses environmental friendly construction material in the hotel to play an active role in serving the community and protecting the environment. Humble House Taipei situated in Xinyi district, boasts an excellent geographical location and traffic network.
寒舍集团推出首家呈现寒舍(Humble House)生活美学风格的自创酒店品牌——寒舍艾丽酒店。酒店坐落于台北市繁华的信义都会区,预计将于今年冬天正式营运。
酒店建筑为符合黄金等级环保认证的绿色建筑,室内设计则由国际知名酒店设计顾问公司Hirsch Bedner Associates负责,以简约舒适的设计风格,营造优雅细致的气氛。酒店内彙集国际艺术家的经典创作,为诠释“艺术即生活”和“生活即艺术”的寒舍品味哲学,让宾客在都市丛林当中,找到一处优雅的休憩空间。