

time deposits/demand deposits 定期存款/活期存款
Commodity money/ money in kind 实物货币
Medium of exchange 交换媒介
a unit of account 价值尺度
a store of value 价值储备
a standard of deferred payment 延期支付
Representative money 代用货币
gold standard/silver standard 金本位/银本位
legal tender 法偿货币
fiat money 法定货币
Simple interest/Compound interest 单利/复利
Nominal interest rate/Real interest rate 名义利率/实际利率
discount rate 贴现率
savings accounts 储蓄账户
commercial paper 商业票据
telegraphic transfer (TT) 电汇
mail transfer (MT) 信汇
demand draft 即期汇票
Foreign bonds 外汇债券
Foreign bank notes 外币钞票
spot transaction 即期交易
spot exchange rate 即期汇率
Forward exchange rate 远期汇率
Forward transaction 远期交易
Swap transaction 掉期交易
Over-the-counter 场外交易
Direction quotation 直接标价法
Indirection quotation 间接标价法
U.S. dollar quotation 美元标价法
value date / delivery date交割日
foreign exchange futures外汇期货
foreign exchange option外汇期权
open outcry 公开喊价
call option看涨期权
put option 看跌期权
exercise price / strike price行权价
option premium 期权费
European style 欧式期权
American style 美式期权
Daily cash settlements 日终结算
Balance of Payment(BOP) 国际收支
portfolio investment证券投资,间接投资
double-entry system复式记账体系
credit entry/debit entry贷记分录/借记分录
The trade balance 贸易平衡
unrequited transfer单向转移
capital account 资本项目/账户
current account经常项目/账户
non-financial service非金融服务
monetary gold 货币黄金
Net errors and omissions 净错误与遗漏
International monetary system 国际货币体系
macroeconomic policies 宏观经济政策
the gold standard 金本位制
the Bretton Woods System 布雷顿森林体系
the Jamaica System牙买加体系
mint parity铸币平价
Sound monetary order稳健的货币秩序
Par value 面值
Payment imbalance 收支不平衡
Favorable payments balance 国际收支顺差
financial instruments金融工具
public offering公募
private placement私募
open market operations 公开市场操作
primary market一级市场
secondary market二级市场
spot market即期市场
forward market远期市场
stock exchange证券交易所
inter-bank market 银行同业拆借市场
Treasury bills国库券
par(face) value 面值
competitive bidding竞争性出价
negotiable certificate of deposit可转让大额定期存单
account receivable 应收账款
initial public offering (IPO)首次公开发行
Commercial paper 商业票据
Repurchase agreement 回购协议
Reserve repo 逆回购
Term repo 定期回购
Over-the-counter markets 场外交易市场
Labor force 劳动力
Chapter1 money
deposit balance 存款余额
via electric transfer wire 通过电子转账方式
checking account 支票账户
Full-bodied money 足值货币
foreign exchange 外汇
depreciate/appreciate贬值/ 升值
Official interest rate /Market interest rate 官方利率/市场利率
hire purchase (HP) 租购
Leasing/lease arrangement 租赁安排
the ratio of the interest …to the principal… 利息与本金的比例
opportunity cost 机会成本
credit risk 信用风险
economic variable 经济变量
volatility in inflation 通货膨胀的波动性
inter-bank interest rate 银行同业拆借利率
liquidity of money 货币的流动性
measures of money supply 货币供应量指标
monetary base 基础货币;货币基数;强力货币
transaction balances 交易余额
rate of return 收益率
life insurance policies 人寿保险单
Intermediate policy target 货币政策中介指标
monetary authorities 货币当局
Quasi money 准货币;亚货币或近似货币
Hard currency/strong currency 硬通货
The system of Currency Board 货币局制度
regulations of China’s foreign exchange administration中国外汇管理条例
Chapter2 foreign exchange
banker’s draft 银行汇票
commercial draft 商业汇票
international payment 国际支付
discharge international obligations清偿国际债务
international finance 国际金融
Swiss franc 瑞士法郎
Eurodollar 欧洲美元
Eurodollar market欧洲美元市场
foreign currency外币
foreign exchange dealer 外汇交易员
unrestricted convertibility自由兑换
partial convertibility 部分可兑换
current payment 经常项目支付
forward operation远期业务
swap agreement掉期协议
swap rate掉期率
bank failure银行倒闭
quote currency标价货币
base currency基准货币
euro zone / eurozone欧元区
settlement date 结算日
payment system支付系统
premium/ discount升水 / 贴水
straight date整日期
bid-asked spread买卖价差
interbank trading银行同业交易
basis point 基点
standardized contract标准化合约
marked-to-market 逐日结算
initial margin 初始保证金
maintenance margin维持保证金
cash settlement 现金结算
portfolio position投资组合头寸
short position / long position空头 / 多头
price discovery价格发现
total turnover总成交额
Chapter 3 BOP
balance of payment statement国际收支平衡表
equilibrium of BOP国际收支均衡
assets and liabilities资产与负债
credits and debits 贷方与借方
sources and uses 来源与运用
capital inflow/capital outflow资本流入/资本流出
home country母国
foreign subsidiary外国子公司
parent firm母公司
unilateral transfer单方面转移
the International Monetary Fund国际货币基金组织
financial account金融项目/ 账户
direct investment直接投资
manufactured goods制成品
movable goods动产
personal articles私人物品
investment income投资收入
interest and dividends利息和红利
earnings per share (EPS) 每股收益
non-distributed earnings未分配盈利/ 利润
voting right投票权
joint venture合资公司
non-negotiable instruments 不可转让工具
special drawing rights (SDRs)特别提款权
the special drawing right特别提款权
reserve position储备头寸
surplus / deficit 顺差;盈余 / 逆差;赤字
counterpart items对等项目
monetization of gold 黄金货币化
demonetization of gold黄金非货币化
distribution and cancellation of SDRs特别提款权的分配与撤销
floating exchange rate system浮动汇率制度
statistical error统计错误
incomplete figures数据不完整
Chapter 4 international monetary system
competitive disadvantage竞争劣势
official parity法定平价
reserve currency储备货币
fluctuation margin波动界限
the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)关税与贸易总协定
adjustable pegged-rate system 可调整的钉住汇率制度
fixed exchange rate system固定汇率制度
par value平价
adjustable peg可调整钉住
troy ounce金衡制盎司
international debt国际债务
Triffin Paradox/ dilemma 特里芬难题
paper gold纸黄金
floating exchange rate/flexible exchange rate浮动汇率
free floating 自由浮动
managed float/dirty float有管理的浮动/肮脏浮动
financial deregulation放松金融管制
financial liberalization金融自由化
monetary policy 货币政策
fiscal policy 财政政策
Chapter 5 financial market
transmission mechanism传导机制
flow of funds资金流动
money market 货币市场
capital market 资本市场
debt instrument 债务工具
equity instrument 权益工具
financial intermediary 金融中介机构
insurance company 保险公司
pension funds养老基金
physical market有形市场
intangible market无形市场
overnight investment 隔夜投资
discount market 贴现市场
commercial bills商业票据
certificate of deposit存单
lender of last resort最后贷款人
coupon bond 附息债权
non-competitive bidding非竞争性出价
default risk违约风险
bearer instrument 不记名票据
credit rating信用评级
corporate stock公司股票
corporate bond公司债券
securities market证券市场
bond market 债券市场
stock market股票市场
investment bank投资银行
merchant bank商人银行
firm commitment underwriting包销
best effort underwriting代销;尽力销售
listed company上市公司
rights issue (offering)认购权发行
follow-on offering增发
trading floor交易大厅