
在10日的外交部例行记者会上,发言人耿爽在回应关于“华为成绩单”的问题时表示, 蓬佩奥先生的那套说辞,似乎别人并不买账。即使在美方肆意打压的情况下,中国企业的业绩似乎还不错。……截至6月6日,华为已在全球30个国家获得了46份5G商用合同,这其中就包括一段时间以来美方“苦口婆心”劝说的一些盟友和一些欧洲国家。至于这些国家的名字,在这里就不点了,以免某些人听了之后扎心。
I would like to remind Mr Pompeo that other countries do not seem to buy his rhetoric. Despite the fierce crackdown by the US, Chinese companies seem to be doing very well. According to information Huawei posted on its website, the company has won 46 5G commercial contracts in 30 countries all over the world as of June 6. Among them are some US allies and European nations that the US has been working hard to persuade out of these contracts. I will spare certain people the heartache by not mentioning any country names here.
Q: According to the New York Times, the National Development and Reform Commission recently talked to Samsung, SK, Microsoft and other foreign companies and warned them not to cooperate with the US in banning Huawei. Can you confirm that and what is your response?
A: I’m not aware of what you said. I’d refer you to the competent authority if you are interested.
As the spokesperson of the foreign ministry, I’d like to say that it is entirely normal for Chinese authorities to meet with foreign companies investing and operating in China and exchange views with them. China’s door to the world is open and will only be open wider. We are committed to fostering better and more friendly environment for foreign investors and businesses. As always, we welcome foreign companies investing and operating in China to share the opportunities and dividends brought by China’s development.

Q: According to media reports, US Secretary of State Pompeo repeated in a recent interview with Swiss media that Chinese enterprises cannot ensure information security. Working with Chinese companies means working with the Chinese government. As long as Huawei communication technology is adopted, privacy and data protection cannot be guaranteed. Do you have any comment?
A: For some time, Mr Pompeo has been talking about China wherever he goes. Unfortunately his remarks are filled with lies and fallacies.
We may take Huawei for example. The US has alleged that Huawei and other Chinese companies pose security risks, but it has never produced any convincing evidence.
As we repeatedly said, it is disgraceful and immoral for the US to employ state power to target a private Chinese company on trumped-up charges. Such behavior is beneath the country’s status as a major power.
I would like to remind Mr Pompeo that other countries do not seem to buy his rhetoric. Despite the fierce crackdown by the US, Chinese companies seem to be doing very well. According to information Huawei posted on its website, the company has won 46 5G commercial contracts in 30 countries all over the world as of June 6. Among them are some US allies and European nations that the US has been working hard to persuade out of these contracts. I will spare certain people the heartache by not mentioning any country names here.
Facts have shown that justice will prevail. Indeed, more and more countries are adopting an objective and just attitude towards Chinese tech companies’ participation in their 5G network development. More and more countries are making independent policy decisions based on their own interests.
Mr. Pompeo should understand a plain truth. That is, every smear campaign with rumor-mongering and discord-sowing will only whittle down further the credibility of his own and his country, the United States. d