
1. During the decomposition process tiny bacteria will certain chemicals… (Para. 2)
During the process of decay, the bacteria will remove certain chemicals from the remainsØ
of small animals and plant life.
2. Most scientists believe the evidence oil forming from deceased organic matter. (Para. 8)
Most scientists believe that the evidence undoubtedly supports oil forming from deceasedØ
organic matter.
… that its theoretical foundations seem to be contrary to scientific research.Ø3. … that its basic don’t seem to be
In scientific terms, it does not fit with the principle of mass balance in chemical equation. 翻译:从科学角度来说,这不符合化学方程式中的质量平衡。Ø翻译:它的理论基础似乎就站不住脚
3.but the two factors, which politicians are in power and who provides the money,
decide what science will get the financial support.
3. Often times the exploratory drilling must be done in underwater conditions. This makes the task more challenging, expensive, and time consuming. (para. 8)
4. Using better forecasting analytics, the sector will benefit by anticipating demand and delivering customized crude blends and dynamic storage options to end-users. (para. 16)
5. Para. 8 last line:
……even the most advanced seismic surveys yield incomplete or potentially false information. Para. 25. 1st line:
The crude oil is initially distilled and the initial product yields can be improved by using…… 词性对比:yield vt. 生产,带来
yield n. 产量
6. The classical way of operating the refinery takes into account the wide variation in price and the seasonality of consumption for the products. (para. 25)
7. The supply, production and consumption of petroleum influence national economies, and have a bearing on global politics and international relationships. (Para. 1)
8. Safety and certainty in oil lie in variety and variety alone. (Para. 6)
9. America would no longer be held hostage to supply shocks that could cut off our access to oil. (Para. 9)
10. They are also hostage to global oil prices like never before—they need crude to sell for record highs simply to break even. (Para. 22)
11. Because these national champions control as much as 90% of the world’s oil and gas, they can record prices. …… they political 翻译:由于这些国有巨头们控制了世界上大约90%的石油和天然气,因此它们能比埃克森公司更易于缓和目前对石油供应的担心,并影响相对应的股价。但是和大多数国有公司一样,它们也都可能有各种弊端:人员过剩,投资不足,政治干涉以及腐败。
12. It is now running the resulting joint ventures —fields. (Para. 4)
13. New oil is most likely to be found in the NOCs’ territory, precisely because it is largely out of such as …… and so has翻译:由于远离像埃克森美孚公司和英国石油公司这样的跨国公司,新的油田最有可能在国有石油公司的领土上被发现,因为这些地方还没有被完全开发。 翻译:有一种理论认为沙特国家石油公司(译注:也叫沙特阿美,全称Arabian-American Oil Company)的实际石油储备量并没有其声称的那样多,而且它的产量已经达到了顶峰,但是沙特石油公司未能提供足够的数据来反驳这理论。 seismic survey than civil servants salaries and hospital budgets. (Para. 7)
翻译:任何总体上依赖石油,特别是依赖一个国有石油公司获得大部分收入的政府,在石油价格下跌的时候都会倾向于缩减投资,因为相对于削减公务员的薪水和医院预算来说,大量减少钻探项目和地质调查在政治上更易于接受。 manage the money they generate —翻译:因此,国有公司得以快速发展,直到国家有足够强大的机构来约束它们或者来管理它们创造的财富,而这正是造成低效和腐败的成分。 foreign oil firms’ assets in Algeria much more abruptly and acrimoniously, following a long and bitterly fought war of independence. (Para. 10)
14.The Saudi government, for example, lets Aramco set its own prices, unlike Kuwait’s, which 翻译:例如,沙特政府就允许阿美石油公司自行设定石油价格,而不像科威特政府那样将定价下达给KPC。
15. Critically, Aramco is able to a portion of its earnings for and expansion, rather than an form the national budget, as Iran’s state-run oil firm did until recently. (Para. 11)
16.The presence of multinationals also helps to develop skilled labor and, 10
17.These stunning changes in the domestic oil and gas markets have nearly everyone 翻译:国内油气市场的巨变让几乎每一个人都感到震惊。 翻译:要不是拥有处理大数据能力的现代计算及时出现,3D成像技术所生成的大量数据足以压垮石油工程师们。
18. But the revolution really as the full power of U.S. Seismic’s richer data streams enable the emergence of better algorithms and better dynamic geophysics models that accommodate the complex mix of both plastic and brittle behavior of rocks in the subsurface.
19. The question of radioactive waste and how to dispose of it safely exist regarding the useØLanguage Points
of nuclear power.
20. Petroleum-based fuels which provide more than 96% of transportation energy are key culprits in greenhouse gas emissions which are major contributors to global warming. (para.11)
In 2012, 11400 megawatts of electricity generated by geothermal energy is transmitted toØ翻译:由石油加工提炼获得的燃料占全部交通燃料的百分之九十六,它们是导致全球变暖的温室气体排放的主要源头。
24 countries worldwide.
21. (Para.2) In 2000, oil has hit the then unheard of price of $40 a barrel, and within months the dot-com bubble collapsed. Crude spikes over $100 a barrel in 2007, and a few months later the economy tanked.
22. (Para. 2) While there were usually other factors driving those downturns – in 2007-09 it was the subprime mortgage mess and resulting financial crisis for instance – rising oil has always been seen as a major contributor to economic slowdowns, the equivalent of an externally imposed tax that was cause for geopolitical concerns.
23. (Para.3) But this time around, economic prognosticators are saying that the $100-a-barrel oil prices of the past two months – as long as they don’t spike into the stratosphere – will only have a transitory impact on growth, which is projected to be above 3 percent for the rest of this year.
24. (Para. 4) Yet little of that reality influenced U.S. strategic thinking, which is still dominated by a mindset forged during World War II when global economic and military power defended on controlling access to sources of crude, and naval strategy was predicated on protecting the sea lanes that guaranteed shipments.
25. (Para. 4) How else to explain the 11 aircraft carrier battle groups in the $649 billion defense appropriations bill that is sailing through the House of the Representatives this week, when no one else in the world has more than one?
26. (Para. 12) Former Vice Admiral Dennis McGinn, who recently retired from the Navy, served on the advisory board that issued both reports and recently took over the helm of the American Council on Renewable Energy, which brings together non-fossil-fuel energy producers and Fortune 500 companies to promote energy efficiency and clean-energy technologies.