Emirates has launched its daily, non-stop service between Dubai and Boston on 10th March, making the U.S. metropolis the airline’s eighth destination in the United States. As a celebration of the new air route, Emirates has also launched a miles bonus countdown campaign. Passengers who book the flight during the campaign will be entitled to a reward of as many as 36,000 miles in their mileage. The earlier and higher the booking, the more the bonus miles are.
阿联酋航空公司也称为:阿拉伯联合酋长国航空公司。阿联酋航空成立于1985年5月25日,阿航向政府贷款1000万美元启动公司业务,当时它只有2架租来的飞机和3条航线。成立短短5个月后,阿联酋航空就将自己的第一架飞机送上了蓝天。总部设于迪拜,以迪拜国际机场为基地。阿联酋航空公司的母公司称为阿联酋航空集团(The Emirates Group)。阿联酋航空由迪拜酋长国政府拥有。阿联酋航空是全球发展最快的航空公司之一。阿联酋航空订购的空客A380飞机总数达到140架,截止至2013年11月17日,已接收39架A380。