The magic of Christmas is in full sparkle at McArthurGlen’s 20 Designer Outlets across Europe, as shoppers look to buy their festive gifts, shop to find something special to wear for the party season, or just to have a good time, whether with friends or family. Christmas at McArthurGlen this year finds its inspiration from the Christmas storybook and the famous 19th-century Christmas fairy tale of The Nutcracker and the Mouse King, adapted by Russian composer Tchaikovsky to become the famous ballet, The Nutcracker Suite. Julia Calabrese, McArthurGlen’s CEO, says: “We’ve worked to capture the magic and wonder of this classic tale within our centres. It’s about making Christmas special.”

麦克亚瑟·格兰购物集团(McArthurGlen Group)是欧洲占主导地位的设计师大卖场开发商、所有人和营运商,在英国、法国、奥地利、荷兰和意大利拥有19家购物中心,在1200多家专卖店中提供600个顶尖品牌,总面积达300万平方英尺。麦克亚瑟·格兰在欧洲设计师大卖场市场中占有22%的份额。欧洲8家最大的设计师大卖场都由麦克亚瑟·格兰经营。
在购物中心,知名品牌和设计师专卖的制造商们直接向小顾客出售多余和季末商品。荷兰鲁尔蒙德购物中心(Designer Outlet Roermond)为消费者提供30%-50%的折扣,出售600个顶尖品牌的各类优质商品。从时装到彩妆,从运动装到鞋子,从家居用品、珠宝首饰到电气设备,在这里,什么都可以找到,而且价格优惠。