The newest venue of the Lei Garden gourmet empire was unveiled in the Chinese capital, Beijing on 31 May 2013. The showpiece restaurant brings Lei Garden’s time honoured gourmet Cantonese cuisine to a sumptuously elegant setting in the Chinese capital. Over four decades, the Hong Kong restaurant brand has become a world leader in Cantonese fine dining with 22 restaurants across Asia and a total of 11 Michelin stars. Beijing Regent Hotel Lei Garden is dedicated to bringing an unforgettable fine dining experience to its guests, encompassing peerless service, elegant design and innovative haute Cantonese cuisine.
利苑酒家,(Lei Garden),又名香港利苑、利苑、利苑饮食集团1,由有“南天王”之称的广东军阀、国民党军政大老陈济棠的幼子陈树杰先生于1973年创办,是香港著名企业之一,现有14间分店,业务横跨香港、新加坡、中国及澳门,员工多达2,200人。集团于2001年在香港首次尝试进军快餐及地方小菜馆,在旺角弥敦道雅兰中心开设占地30,000多平方呎“利苑美食广场”,提供多元化快餐服务,藏元新派日式料理,及供应大江南北美食的南北和小厨。其后再加入Marine西餐厅及越轩等小馆。到了2003年,美食广场进行改革,重新命名为“利佳肴”,并且引入识饮识食互联网概念,客人只须安坐任何一间小馆,便可点选其他小馆美食。不过最后亏损严重,于2006年结业。